I, My brother, We, Tom and I, Mrs Brown, Kate, Kate's friends, I, My parents, His children, My best friend, My little sister, Tom and Mandy, Peter, Sally, They, I, My grandchildren, Polly and I, me and my best friend, it, Ronald, My brother, uncle Tim, it, I, Mr Bellis, my dad, the bird, mum and dad, This little boy, Mary and her husband, my father, her husband, Della, Tom and his sister, my Maths teacher, she, the baby, my sister, Polly's son, my uncle, the children, Mrs Green, Pinnochio, my friends and I, they, he, my family, Daniela, Mr and Mrs Green, Tony, Lara , Lara and her mother, my mum, I, grandma, she, I, Mr Green, Kate, the children, Sara, the sun, Pippi , they, my sisters Tina and Tara.

Past Continuous - what were they doing yesterday at 5 o'clock in the afternoon?

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