1) This bag is empty. There isn't ... in it.  a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 2) The fridge is empty. There is ... in it.  a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 3) I'm lonely. I have ... to talk to. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 4) I like the people here. ... is very friendly. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 5) It's a secret. Don't tell ... a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 6) It's a nice hotel. It's comfortable and ... is clean. a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 7) "Do you know ... in Prague?" "Yes, I have a few friends here."  a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 8) Let's have dinner. ... is hungry. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 9) Victor is very brave, ... scares him. a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 10) Is there ... interesting on TV? a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 11) Does ... want to go to the cinema? a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 12) You have ... on your shoulder. I think it's a piece of paper. a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 13) I'm very sad because ... remembered my birthday. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 14) There is a total mess! ... is in the correct place. All the toys are on the floor! a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 15) ... took my pencil from my desk and I don't know who. a) somebody b) anybody c) nobody d) everybody 16) There is ... more important than family. a) something b) anything c) nothing d) everything 17) I live in a small town and it is very boring. There's ... to go. a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere 18) Ken never uses his car. He goes ... by his motorbike.  a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere 19) They live ... in the south of France. a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere 20) Stay at home. Don't go ... a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere d) everywhere

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