1) Bob and ... dog a) his b) her c) your 2) Susan and ... cat a) his b) their c) her 3) My parents and ... car a) its b) their c) our 4) You, your sister and ... friends a) your b) her c) their 5) You and me and ... anniversary a) your b) my c) our 6) My teacher and ... family a) its b) their c) her 7) Ann, Susan and ... house a) her b) their c) your 8) That dog and ... toy a) her b) its c) his 9) My dog and ... ball a) its b) his c) our 10) We and ... parents a) your b) our c) their 11) Those boys and ... bikes a) their b) his c) your 12) I and ... tablet a) my b) its c) their

Possessive adjectives quiz

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