1) Making a loud sucking noise while drinking, is often associated with enjoying a beverage or soup. a) To slurp b) To sip c) To eat 2) Using fingers to remove mucus or debris from someone's nasal passages. a) To wipe someone's nose b) To itch  c) To pick someone's nose 3) Using a tissue or handkerchief to expel mucus/liquid from someone's nose forcefully. a) To pat someone's nose b) To blow someone's nose c) To tickle someone's nose 4) Rhythmic or repetitive action of lightly hitting one's fingers against a surface, often indicating impatience or nervousness. a) To tap fingers b) To clap fingers c) To snap fingers 5) Making a series of light, silly, or playful laughs, often in a somewhat uncontrollable manner. a) To laugh b) To giggle c) To smile 6) Sitting, standing, or walking with a stooped or hunched posture, often indicating laziness or lack of attention. a) To sit straight b) To stand still c) To slouch 7) Flexing or bending fingers in such a way as to produce a cracking or popping sound, often done as a habit or nervous tic. a) To snap knuckles b) To crack knuckles c) To crack fists 8) Involuntary action of opening one's mouth wide and inhaling deeply, often due to tiredness or boredom. a) To yawn b) To gasp c) To open mouth wide 9) Making loud, hoarse noises while sleeping, caused by the vibration of respiratory structures due to obstructed air movement. a) To snore b) To hum c) To buzz 10) Expelling gas from the stomach through the mouth, often accompanied by a distinctive sound, caused by swallowing air or the release of digestive gases. a) To hiccup b) To poop c) To burp

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