Would you like to travel to space if you had the opportunity? Why or why not?, What do you think are the biggest challenges humans will face in colonising another planet?, Do you believe that living on another planet, like Mars, could solve Earth’s overpopulation problems?, How important do you think it is to protect other planets' environments?, If humans start living on Mars, what cultural aspects from Earth should they bring with them, and what should they leave behind?, Imagine you are part of the first group of people to colonise Mars. What would you miss most about Earth?, What skills or qualities do you think are essential for someone living on another planet?, How do you think language and communication might evolve in a space colony?, Should the exploration and colonisation of other planets be an international effort? Why?, How would you design a sustainable living environment on Mars? What factors would you consider?.

Space travel conversation questions by London Centre of English Wlodawa.

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