1) Ona była wczoraj w kinie. a) She were cinema yesterday. b) She was in cinema tomorrow. c) She is at the cinema tomorrow. d) She was at the cinema yesterday. 2) Co wczoraj robiłaś? a) What did you do yesterday? b) What will you do tomorrow? c) What do you do everyday? d) What do you do yesterday? 3) On nie był wczoraj w szkole. a) He wasn't at school yesterday. b) He were at school. c) He wasn't at school tomorrow. d) He weren't at school yesterday. 4) Czy odrobiłeś pracę domową w zeszły weekend? a) Do you homework last weekend? b) Did you do your homework last weekend? c) Did I do your homework last week? d) Did you do your homework last week? 5) Co robiłaś 2 dni temu? a) What did she do 2 days? b) What did you 2 days ago? c) What did you do 2 days ago? d) What you do 2 days ago? 6) On kupił nowy t-shirt 2 tygodnie temu. a) She bought a new T-shirt 2 days ago. b) He buy a new T-shirt 2 weeks ago. c) He bought a new T-shirt 2 weeks ago. d) He didn't buy a new T-shirt 2 weeks ago. 7) Moja mama zrobiła wczoraj pyszne ciasto czekoladowe! a) My mom made a delicious chocolate cake yesterday! b) Did my mom make a delicious cake yesterday? c) My mom make a delicious chocolate cake tomorrow! d) My mom do a delicious cake yesterday! 8) Moja siostra dała mi piękny prezent na moje urodziny. a) My sister give me a beautiful gift for my birthday. b) My sister gave me a beautiful gift for my birthday. c) My sister didn't give me a beautiful gift for my birthday. d) My sister geave me a beautiful gift for my birthday. 9) Widziałeś ją? a) Did you see her? b) Did you see she? c) Did you see him? d) Did you saw her? 10) Ona wstała o 7:30. a) She gets up at 7:30. b) She get up at 7:30. c) She got up at 7:30. d) She goes at 7:30 11) Gdzie byłeś? a) Where are you? b) Where are they? c) Where were you? 12) Ona poszła wczoraj do swojej babci. a) She went to her grandma yesterday. b) She goes to her grandma today. c) She go to her grandma yesterday. d) She going to her grandma. 13) Nie poszliśmy wczoraj do galerii. a) You went to the shopping centre yesterday. b) They went to the shopping centre yesterday. c) We didn't go to the shopping centre yesterday. d) We went to the shopping centre yesterday. 14) Co powiedziałeś? a) What you tell? b) What did you say? c) Why did you talk? d) Did you say? 15) Co jedliście na obiad? a) What you ate for dinner? b) What do you eat for dinner? c) What are you eating for dinner? d) What did you eat for dinner? 16) Byłam wczoraj w galerii handlowej, ale nic nie kupiłam. a) I were in the shopping centre yesterday, but I didn't buy anything. b) I was in the shopping centre yesterday, but I didn't buy anything. c) I go to the shopping centre tomorrow, but I don't buy anything.

Past Simple - wybierz prawidłowe tłumaczenie zdania

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