Bite the bullet - To do something unpleasant ( I´m going to bite the bullet and get my homework done), Hit the town - To make a party/ have fun (She just broke up with her boyfriend so we´re going to hit the town), Under the weather  - Be sick, don´t feel like going out ( I don´t want to go out, I´m feeling a bit under the weather today) , The last straw - The last chance, to do something on time (You have been getting on y nerves all week and this is yhe last straw), On the ball  - Someone is alert and efficient., Cutting corners - Someone is trying to save something (money or time) but he does the action wrong., Piece of cake - To do something easy, Let the cat out of the bag - To reveal a secret (who let the cat out of the bag), By the skin of your teeth - To arrive just on time (we made it by the skin of your teeth), The whole nine yards - Everything without omit nothing ( I bought the TV, the home theater system, the whole nine yards), Spill the beans  - To say a gossip (who spilled the beans)., The elephant in the room - To do something obvious that no one has wanted to mention (So, when are we going to talk about the elephant in the room? ), That´s how the cookie crumbles - That´s life, that´s how things happen., He threw me under the bus. - Someone is in troubles or he made me look bad in front of others (everything was going fine until he threw me under the bus), To have a bigger fish to fry - To have better things to do ( honestly, I don´t freally care, I have bigger fish to fry), It down on me! - You have an idea suddenly (It finally down me ), Cold turkey - Describe something that happens suddenly or to stop something ( He just quit smoking cold turkey), Elbow grese - Manual work, effort (Put a little elbow grease into it! ), To pull someone´s leg  - To play or joking with someone, I don´t believe you! you are joking! ( you´re pulling my leg), Meek as a lamb - Someone doesn´t like to fight.,

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