1) who is he a) john cena b) matt hardy c) cm punk d) edge e) jeff hardy f) hulk hogan 2) who is he a) kevin nash b) scott hall c) papa shongo d) ted dibiase e) the rock f) kane 3) who is he a) daniel bryan b) undertaker c) hulk hogan d) finn balor e) hbk f) kane 4) who is he a) undertaker b) drew mcintire c) rey mysterio d) doink the clown e) stone cold f) road dogg 5) who is he a) kevin nash b) roddy piper c) honky tonk man d) mr t e) the miz f) rey mysterio 6) who is he a) x-pac b) cody rhodes c) papa shongo d) big-e e) roman reigns f) brock lesnar 7) who is he a) edge b) batista c) randy orton d) rey mysterio e) hulk hogan f) the rock 8) who is he a) stone cold b) ric flair c) hbk d) andre the giant e) john cena f) undertaker 9) who is he a) matt hardy b) ultimate warrior c) jey uso d) hbk e) roddy piper f) umaga 10) who is he a) yokozuna b) big show c) andre the giant d) triple h e) faarooq f) cm punk 11) who is he a) stone cold b) hbk c) x-pac d) austin theory e) chris benoit f) gran metalik 12) who is he a) triple h b) mr t c) yokozuna d) brock lesnar e) buddy rogers f) batista 13) who is he a) yokozuna b) hulk hogan c) seth rollins d) chyna e) british bulldog f) eddie guerreo 14) who is he a) the rock b) triple h c) rikishi d) hulk hogan e) john cena f) drew mcintyre 15) who is he a) omos b) undertaker c) scotty 2 hotty d) hulk hogan e) mr t f) jim "the anivil" niedhart 16) who is he a) chris benoit b) bret hart c) pedro morales d) mark henry e) billy gunn f) road dogg 17) who is he a) yokozuna b) big show c) tajiri d) kurt angle e) r-truth f) chris jericho 18) who is he a) animal b) edge c) rvd d) randy orton e) ultimate warrior f) mr t 19) who is he a) ultimate warrior b) hbk c) sting d) goldberg e) undertaker f) mankind 20) who is he a) aj styles b) goldust c) macho man d) cody rhodes e) roman reigns f) the rock 21) who is he a) roman reigns b) hbk c) bruno summartino d) harley race e) the rock f) sheamus 22) who is he a) harley race b) ivan koloff c) gorilla monsoon d) superstar billy ghram e) george "the animal" steel f) the crusher 23) who is he a) sting b) eric bishoff c) lex luger d) hbk e) scott steiner f) bob backlund 24) who is she a) lita b) beth phoinex c) sunny d) asuka e) carmella f) chyna 25) who is he a) goldberg b) batista c) austin theory d) sid justice e) jbl f) 26) who is he a) rock b) british bulldog c) lex luger d) omos e) rikishi f) rvd 27) who is he a) rvd b) triple h c) bret hart d) eric bishoff e) road dogg f) jim duggan 28) who is he a) big john studd b) bruno sammartino c) omos d) aj styles e) big show f) cm punk 29) who is he a) bruno sammartino b) sid justice c) ric flair d) buddy rogers e) jim duggan f) ted diBiase 30) who is he a) pedro morales b) greg valentine c) superstar billy graham d) pat patterson e) wade barret f) the crusher 31) who is he a) big show b) george steel c) luke bushwacker d) the great khali e) matt hardy f) jorge gonzalez 32) who is he a) george steel b) hawk c) animal d) buddy rogers e) bruno sammartino f) billy gunn 33) who is he a) rikishi b) umaga c) animal d) mankind e) larry zybrsko f) kevin nash 34) who is he a) billy graham b) butch bushwacker c) luke bushwacker d) daniel bryan e) giant silva f) cactus jack 35) who is he a) jorge gonzalez b) dude love c) shane mcmahon d) giant silva e) the great khali f) butch bushwacker 36) who is he a) scott steiner b) x-pac c) jerry "the king" lawler d) jorge gonzalez e) mick foley f) sami zayn 37) who is he a) seth rollins b) ted diBiase c) typhoon d) mr perfect e) cm punk f) dean ambrose 38) who is he a) braun strowman b) edge c) gangrel d) christian e) drew mcinyre f) dean ambrose 39) who is he a) cm punk b) jbl c) faarooq d) aj styles e) paul bearer f) eric bishoff 40) who is he a) terry funk b) cody rhodes c) braun strowman d) bray wyatt e) macho man f) godfather


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