1) What is in the picture? a) chicken b) hicken c) chiken 2) What is in the picture? a) chese b) chees c) cheese 3) What is in the picture? a) eg b) egg c) ek 4) What is in the picture? a) pizza b) pica c) piza 5) What is in the picture? a) salat b) salad c) sald 6) What is in the picture? a) sausages b) sosiges c) sosigis 7) What is in the picture? a) chocolate b) chocolit c) chocklit 8) What is in the picture? a) banan b) bannana c) banana 9) What is in the picture? a) chips b) hips c) chip 10) What is in the picture? a) potejtous b) potato c) potatoes 11) What is in the picture? a) fis b) fish c) fiš 12) What is in the picture? a) vegetables b) vedžetebls c) vegetabls 13) What is in the picture? a) ajscrím b) ice cream c) ice kream 14) What is in the picture? a) orang b) orange c) orandž 15) What is in the picture? a) apple b) aple c) aplle 16) What is in the picture? a) yoghurt b) yogurt c) joghurt

Food - jídlo



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