A / An - We saw ...... cat today., A / An - I'm ...... engineer., A / An - I go to the gym twice ...... week., A / An - What ...... great car!, A / An - I have ...... dog and two lizards., The - We saw a cat. ...... cat was very old., The - ......moon goes round ...... Earth., The - ......Alps, ...... Himalayas, and ...... Andes are all mountain ranges., The - I'm going to ...... cinema to watch a film tomorrow., The - This is ...... best wine in the world, and it's only Wednesday!, The - ......UK, ...... USA, ...... Netherlands all have interesting histories., The - ......Sahara Desert is extremely dry., The - ......Atlantic Ocean and ...... Mediterranean Sea have a lot of fish., The - ......new hospital will be finished soon., Zero (-) - ......India in in Asia., Zero (-) - I love ...... music and ...... films., Zero (-) - I'm going to ...... university next year., Zero (-) - I've been at ...... home for three months!, Zero (-) - ......cars are faster now than in the past., Zero (-) - What time do you want to have ...... lunch?, Zero (-) - I went to Bali ...... last year.,

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