1) He needs to ... a) go outside b) take some medicine c) sing a song loudly d) eat an ice cream 2) He needs to ... a) go out with his friends b) go to a bathroom c) stay at home d) go to school 3) He needs to ... a) eat chips and burgers b) go to a toilet c) do exercises d) go shopping 4) He needs to ... a) cook dinner b) relax c) stay in bed d) play baseball 5) He needs to ... a) go out with his friends b) take a medicine c) listen to a rock music d) play video games 6) She needs to ... a) go to a dentist b) eat nuts c) call the police d) dance 7) She needs to ... a) relax b) carry heavy things c) consult a doctor d) go swimming 8) He needs to ... a) sing songs with classmates b) listen to a loud music c) shout d) consult a doctor

What's the matter? (ilnesses)



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