

Examples from our community

4,032 results for 'primary'

Gentle Cindy
Gentle Cindy Group sort
Boom Cards - 5 spellings of O
Boom Cards - 5 spellings of O Speaking cards
Semantics - which one doesn't belong?
Semantics - which one doesn't belong? Quiz
French Numbers to 20
French Numbers to 20 Spin the wheel
かぞく Family
かぞく Family Match up
Describing People
Describing People Quiz
EC Unit 6 /er/ Sound Review
EC Unit 6 /er/ Sound Review Group sort
Common Italian Greetings
Common Italian Greetings Quiz
French counting by 10s to 70
French counting by 10s to 70 Hangman
4 Colours B:Maze
4 Colours B:Maze Maze chase
Months Kanji
Months Kanji Matching pairs
There, Their, They're
There, Their, They're Group sort
Simple Sentences
Simple Sentences Unjumble
FAMILY Balloon pop
Sorting materials
Sorting materials Group sort
Zones of Regulation Quiz
Zones of Regulation Quiz Gameshow quiz
家庭成员 Unjumble
Conjunctions Speaking cards
French counting by 10s to 100
French counting by 10s to 100 Speaking cards
Practising b and d recognition
Practising b and d recognition Speaking cards
The digraph /wr/ making the sound “r” (Space Surfer)
The digraph /wr/ making the sound “r” (Space Surfer) Airplane
2. EE sound spelt ee, ea, e, e...e, y, ie, ei
2. EE sound spelt ee, ea, e, e...e, y, ie, ei Match up
Words with x
Words with x Matching pairs
CCVC funny cat quiz
CCVC funny cat quiz Flash cards
Grade 6 Tier 2 words
Grade 6 Tier 2 words Complete the sentence
Warna-warna Labelled diagram
 Il Tempo - Italian weather words
Il Tempo - Italian weather words Find the match
Spanish Phrases (Greetings & names)
Spanish Phrases (Greetings & names) Find the match
simple addition
simple addition Spin the wheel
Comment ca va?  Pourquoi?
Comment ca va? Pourquoi? Quiz
衣服- yīfú
衣服- yīfú Labelled diagram
CVC I SPY Labelled diagram
addition hunt
addition hunt Match up
Reading Accuracy CVC words
Reading Accuracy CVC words Match up
ai as in rain words
ai as in rain words Whack-a-mole
/air/ sound words with cats
/air/ sound words with cats Flip tiles
Sam's aw/or game
Sam's aw/or game Find the match
Word Reading Initial Code 4.1
Word Reading Initial Code 4.1 Find the match
Guide to Healthy Eating
Guide to Healthy Eating Group sort
Indonesian greetings
Indonesian greetings Match up
It Hurts part 1 and 2
It Hurts part 1 and 2 Gameshow quiz
EC Unit 38 /g/ Sound Review
EC Unit 38 /g/ Sound Review Group sort
4 Colours A:Maze
4 Colours A:Maze Maze chase
Colours In Italian QUIZ:
Colours In Italian QUIZ: Quiz
Boucles Violettes 1
Boucles Violettes 1 Match up
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