Ask a classmate about something he or she did yesterday., Ask a classmate about something he or she did last night., Ask a classmate where he or she was last night., Ask a classmate where he or she was yesterday morning., Ask a classmate where he or she was yesterday afternoon., Ask a classmate about something he or she ate yesterday., Ask a classmate about something he or she drank yesterday., Ask a classmate if he or she watched TV yesterday., Ask a classmate if he or she arrived late at school yesterday., Ask a classmate what he or she did last weekend., Ask a classmate how he or she celebrated New Year., Ask a classmate what he or her favourite season is and why., Ask a classmate what is the season when it snows., Ask a classmate what is the season when the tree leaves turn yellow., Ask a classmate to tell you something he or she didn't do last night., Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she came to school., Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she usually goes home., Ask a classmate to tell you how his or her best school friend came., Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Halloween., Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Christmas..

Starter 2 Second Period Speaking Test (Units 8 and 9)

Tabla de clasificación

Cartas al azar es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?