competence (ence) - (noun) the ability to do something well, inevitably (y) - (adverb) in a way that cannot be avoided, leadership (ship) - (noun) the position or fact of being the leader, participant (ant) - (noun) someone who participates in a competition or contest, pointless (less) - (adjective) related to something that is pointless has no purpose, and it is a waste of time doing it, qualification (ion) - (noun) knowledge, skill, or some other characteristic that gives a person the ability or the right to do or have something, skillful (ful) - (adjective) full of something, specific (ic) - (adjective) relating to one thing and not others; particular, statistical (al) - (adjective) related to statistics, summarise (ise) - (o express the most important facts or ideas about something or someone in a short and clear forverb) to write a summary), threaten (en) - (verb) to be likely to cause harm or damage to something or someone,

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