fishery - An organised effort to catch fish for profit, Tūpuna - Ancestors, Kaitiakitangi - Guardianship/stewardship/custodianship, overfishing - A greater number of fish is taken out compared to the number of fish being added, Taonga - treasures, of cultural value, resources, whakapapa - genealogy, descent, lineage-being able to recite the past, kai moana - seafood, shellfish, Marine - Anything to do with the sea., Rohe moana - Tangata whenua defined customary fishing area, Customary fishing rights - Negotiated by the iwi to address the short comings of the treaty, blue fish tick label - The marine council label shown on fishery products certifying that these products come from a sustainable source, Tikanga - Correct procedure, custom, habit, method, sustainable fishing - means looking after the environment where fish live and not overfishing., Migration - The movement of fish in and out of a stock or population of fish, sea - The expanse of water that covers most of the earths surface, Ocean - a very large expanse of sea (ie Pacific ocean ),

The great seafood debate

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