1) create, to cause someone or something to grow larger, to prosper, to flourish a) development b) demonstration c) developed d) developing 2) make something difficult to understand or deal with a) complicate b) criticize c) concern d) concerning 3) therefore, as a result a) complicated b) consequence c) decrease d) consequently 4) to give a judgment of how good or bad something, to find fault with a person, work, behavior a) demonstrate b) criticize c) criticism d) concern 5) the act of making plans, drawings, etc. a) design b) development c) complicate d) deliberate 6) in general use now, happening now a) current b) developing c) demonstrate d) deliberate 7) at the present time a) development b) designer c) currently d) consequently 8) an act of showing clearly the facts, how something works, public display of opinion a) demonstration b) development c) developed d) destruction 9) to be about something a) concerning b) concerned with c) cope with d) cope 10) rather large or great in size or distance a) considerable b) concern c) consequence d) complicated 11) An event that causes a lot of harm or damage; a terrible situation or event a) disaster b) disagreement c) consequence d) critic 12) about, regarding a) concerned with b) concerning c) disaster d) disagree 13) result, something that is followed or is caused as the result or effect a) consequently b) consequence c) destruction d) considerable 14) (v) to make shorter, smaller, less, (n) an example of becoming fewer, less a) conduct b) demonstrate c) conditions d) decrease 15) on purpose, with clear intent a) deliberately b) delay c) complicated d) criticism 16) to show clearly by giving facts or examples, to take part in a protest a) design b) cope with c) demonstrate d) criticize 17) a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something or says what is bad or wrong about something or someone a) critic b) designer c) developer d) conduct 18) judgment or opinion on something, the act of finding faults a) disagreement b) criticism c) deliberately d) critisize 19) A situation in which people have a different opinion about something and often argue a) consequence b) disagreement c) conditiions d) conduct 20) put off, postponed, later than expected a) complicated b) decrease c) delayed d) developed 21) very worried; involved, interested a) concerned b) concerning c) development d) consequence 22) the action of destroying something a) deliberate b) conduct c) destruction d) destroy 23) deal effectively with something difficult a) consequence b) concerned c) cope d) currently
Band 3 Core 1 List A - 2
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