sunny - 'They don't see what disappointment's going to get me," said Ms. Guest as a momentary cloud passed over her usually _____ face., lights - Christopher says my face _______ up when I see them"., lightened - When the subject shifted to Syria, the atmosphere hardly ______., dark - Recently closed auto plants are sad places, enough to drive the sunniest disposition to _____ thoughts., days - Many recall the dark d____ when American society enforced racial segregation., flow - Well, I can understand how that might inhibit the easy _____ of conversation., tears - Do you think a whole flood of_____ is going to stop them from doing this again?, down - She was listening to Mahler with tears streaming ______ her face., heated - After a week of ______debate, tomorrow will see MPs vote on the issue for the first time, temper - Nerdanel, unlike her husband, was of a peaceful nature and sought to moderate his fiery ______ and pride with wisdom., flared - After a night of heavy drinking emotions ran high, tempers_____., violence - In the camps in northern Burundi, along the border with Rwanda, refugees are exposed to reprisal attacks each time ______ flares up between the ethnic groups in Burundi., trouble - It was gutting to see Rhino forced to retire from the sport over the weekend after his knee ______ flared up again., blaze - He wants to crash the plane and go out in a _____ of glory., publicity - Naturally, their divorce took place amid a blaze of _____.,
Unit 12, Metaphor
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