robbery - A robber robs a bank or robs a person, theft - A thief steals something from you. The plural of thief is thieves., burglary - A burglar burgles a house. We also say “ they break in”, or “my house was broken into last night”, mugging - A mugger mugs a person. It’s often used in the passive: I was mugged in the street., shoplifting - A shoplifter shoplifts something from a shop. We usually use shoplift in its verb+ing form: I saw some boys shoplifting. My neighbour was caught shoplifting., smuggling - a smuggler smuggles something over the border or into a country , kidnapping - A kidnapper kidnaps a person and often holds them for ransom (money), fraud - A fraudster commits fraud, or defrauds a company, bribery - A person bribes another person with money or favours, murder - A murderer murders a victim, arson - An arsonist commits arson by setting fire to a building , vandalism - A vandal vandalises property, looting - A looter loots a building, shop or house, terrorism - A terrorist commits an act of terrorism, assault - An assaulter or assailant assaults a victim, rape - A rapist rapes a victim, human trafficking - A trafficker trafficks in people (that's their "job"). But a trafficker will t, manslaughter - A person commits manslaughter, blackmail - A blackmailer blackmails a victim, ram-raiding - A ram-raider ramraids a shop in a stolen car.,
Crimes: criminals and verbs
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