1) 好き a) enjoy b) help c) like d) speak Japanese 2) バスケットボールをする a) speak Japanese b) cook c) make cookies d) play basketball 3) バレーボールをする a) play volleyball b) study English c) read a book d) do my homework 4) テレビゲームをする a) start b) play video games c) eat lunch d) go to the movies 5) ピアノを弾く a) play the piano b) buy c) go to the movies d) like 6) 英語を勉強する a) eat breakfast b) eat lunch c) speak English d) study English 7) 算数(数学)を勉強する a) eat breakfast b) make cookies c) study math d) buy 8) 理科を勉強する a) read a book b) eat dinner c) study science d) play volleyball 9) 朝食を食べる a) Pass me ~. b) speak English c) eat breakfast d) study science 10) 昼食を食べる a) eat lunch b) help c) make cookies d) stop 11) 夕食を食べる a) eat dinner b) buy c) go to the movies d) teach 12) 飲む a) clean b) drink c) eat breakfast d) study math 13) 寝る a) teach b) go to the movies c) help d) sleep 14) 料理する a) speak Japanese b) teach c) study English d) cook 15) 英語を話す a) go shopping b) play video games c) speak English d) play volleyball 16) 日本語を話す a) read a book b) speak Japanese c) do my homework d) play basketball 17) 買い物に行く a) go shopping b) eat lunch c) sleep d) eat breakfast 18) 映画館へ行く a) go to the movies b) stop c) Pass me ~. d) drink 19) テレビを見る a) stop b) watch TV c) go shopping d) study English 20) クッキーを作る a) Pass me ~. b) watch TV c) study math d) make cookies 21) 本を読む a) buy b) cook c) read a book d) clean 22) 助ける、手伝う a) watch TV b) study English c) eat breakfast d) help 23) 止まる、やめる a) stop b) eat lunch c) study English d) drink 24) 始める、始まる a) stop b) Pass me ~. c) start d) speak Japanese 25) 買う a) start b) buy c) eat lunch d) study English 26) 宿題をする a) play basketball b) stop c) do my homework d) cook 27) 楽しむ a) make cookies b) enjoy c) do my homework d) start 28) 教える a) eat dinner b) play basketball c) teach d) go shopping 29) 掃除する a) speak English b) like c) clean d) sleep 30) ~を取ってください a) clean b) Pass me ~. c) do my homework d) eat breakfast

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