1) The belief in freedom and equality between people, or a system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves a) democracy b) election c) referendum 2) A small area with walls on three sides where you can vote in private a) polls b) polling booth c) polling station 3) A place where people go to vote in an election a) polling booth b) polling station c) polls 4) A vote in which all the people in a country or an area are asked to give their opinion about or decide an important political or social question a) referendum b) election c) vote 5) A box into which people put their voting slips when voting a) ballot paper b) ballot box c) polling booth 6) To express your choice or opinion, by writing a mark on a paper or by raising your hand a) vote b) election c) referendum 7) A time when people vote in order to choose someone for a political or official job a) referendum b) election c) polls 8) A piece of paper on which you write your vote a) ballot paper b) vote c) ballot box 9) The places where people vote in a political election a) polling booth b) polling station c) polls

Gateway Unit 1 Know about the UK system of government (MAES)


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