1) You like watermelon, a) can't you? b) has she? c) aren't I? d) don't you? 2) She is tired, a) doesn't she? b) isn't it? c) aren't I? d) isn't she? 3) She has never been to Paris, a) has she? b) are you? c) shouldn't you? d) isn't it? 4) She has a cat, a) can't you? b) won't you? c) don't you? d) doesn't she? 5) It is snowing now, a) aren't I? b) won't you? c) isn't it? d) didn't she? 6) You can swim, a) wasn't she? b) shall we? c) must we? d) can't you? 7) You aren't working now, a) aren't I? b) doesn't she? c) must we? d) are you? 8) You will go to Greece this summer, a) won't you? b) isn't it? c) aren't I? d) didn't she? 9) We mustn't park here, a) has she? b) must we? c) weren't you? d) are you? 10) She bought this book, a) don't you? b) shall we? c) didn't she? d) must we? 11) She was at home yesterday, a) must we? b) can't you? c) wasn't she? d) has she? 12) You were sleeping yesterday at 10 pm,  a) weren't you? b) shall we? c) must we? d) shouldn't you? 13) You should finish this task by 6 pm, a) must we? b) shall we? c) shouldn't you? d) aren't I?

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