MEMORY DEVICE - General term for devices that store and retrieve data in computers and other digital systems., FERROELECTRIC DEVICE - A memory device that stores data through polarization, used in FeRAM technology., MAGNETOSTRICTION RESISTANCE - A phenomenon where materials change their resistance when exposed to magnetic fields, affecting memory devices., POLARIZATION STATE - The state that represents stored data in ferroelectric memory devices, based on electric dipoles., MAGNETIC TUNNEL JUNCTION - A structure where two ferromagnetic layers are separated by a thin insulator, used in MRAM devices., MAGNETS - Objects that produce magnetic fields and are essential components of many memory devices., MAGNETIC MEMORY - A type of memory that stores data using magnetic fields, known for its non-volatility., FERAM - This type of memory uses ferroelectric materials to store data and is known for its low power consumption., BIT LINE - This is a crucial part of the memory circuit, responsible for accessing and transferring data in memory devices., MAGNETIC TUNNELING EFFECT - A quantum mechanical phenomenon where electrons tunnel between ferromagnetic layers separated by a thin insulating layer.,

Unit 4 Nano Material-Based Memory Devices

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