You shouldn't have eaten so much last night. - Criticism of an action, A: Thanks for lending me your car. I filled it up with petrol. B: Oh, you shouldn't have! - Polite expression of thanks, He could have won the race if he had tried harder. - Past possibility, She could have gone to the party with her friends (but she didn't) - Unwillingness, You might have drowned! - Past possibility which didn't happen, They might not have received our parcel yet. - Uncertainty, Typical! I might have known that he would be late! - an idiom by which the speaker expresses ironically that an action was typical of someone, You needn't have shouted all of us dinner. - an unnecessary action which WAS actually done, I didn't need to go to the dentist, luckily. - an unnecessary action which was NOT done, What a coincidence! It's strange that you should be staying in the same hotel as us! - with 'be' and adjectives describing chance, If anyone's in line for promotion, I should think it's Eleni. - used with verbs of thinking to make an opinion less direct, We could try that new Indian restaurant on High Street. - suggestion, I couldn't possibly leave my dog at home all day. - expressing unwillingness, You can be really stubborn sometimes, you know! - used with 'be' to make a criticism, It's bound to snow tomorrow. - future prediction of certainty, Nobody would agree with that idea. - a conditional situation is understood but not stated, Try as I might, I could not pass my driving test. - Past reference (although), Nobody else has shown up, so you may/might as well go home. - the only thing left to do, sth the speaker is not pleased about,

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