Autonomy - Respecting a Patient’s Ability to Make Decisions: Doctors must seek the consent or informed agreement of the patient, The patient must be free of external constraints and have no mental incapacity, An example means accepting that patients are free to choose to ignore medical advice, Non-Maleficence - Do No Harm: Physicians must refrain from providing ineffective treatments, Doctors must consider whether the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks, An example would be refusing to give a treatment that has been proven to be dangerous, Beneficence - Actively seeking to do good: Weighing the best course of action for a specific patient, Doctors should respect the rights and obligations of patients, An example might be helping a stranger who has collapsed on the street, Justice - Medicine should be practiced fairly, equally and legally: This pillar involves consideration of discrimination, human rights and disadvantage, The burdens and benefits of new or experimental treatments must be distributed equally, An example would be choosing a more affordable treatment that helps 100 people over an expensive treatment that helps 10 people,

Categorise these Features into the Four Pillars of Medical Ethics


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