bracket (tax bracket) - a numerical range, extrapolate information - to extract and use information in other contests, shirk duties - not to do what you are supposed to, a domino effect - a string of consequences for one action, diminishing returns - to get less profit or benefit back , let your hair down - relax, foster  - encourage, an allegation - an accusation in law, unfettered access - un-restricted, uncontrolled, to curb  - to limit, perks  - small, fun benefits, absenteeism - phenomenon: the number of people to stay home from work., burnout - the effect of too much work, too much stress for too long, morale - good feeling and good will, motivation - the belief in what you do and the desire to do it, demotivation - lack of belief or desire in what you do, down time - time to do what you want and switch off,

Listening - Time Poverty - Vocabulary practice



Encontre a combinação é um modelo aberto. Ele não gera pontuações para um ranking.

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