1) how close a measure relates to the ‘true’ value of the quantity being measured a) Validity b) Accuracy c) Hypothesis d) Qualitative 2) an experimental design in which each participant is assigned to only one group or condition and provides only one score for data analysis a) Between groups/between subjects b) Within groups/within subjects c) Mixed design d) Matched Participants 3) a variable that is considered to have an effect on the dependent variable so it is held constant to remove its potential effect a) Independent variable b) Dependent variable c) Confounding variable d) Controlled variable 4) how close the results are to each other when an investigation is replicated under changed conditions a) Validitity b) Quantitive c) Repeatability d) Reproducability 5) reproducing situations of research interest in a realistic way to investigate the behaviour and/or mental processes of individuals in that environment a) Controlled experiment b) Simulation study c) Correlational study d) Fieldwork 6) a measurement error produced by some factor that consistently favours one condition rather than another a) Systematic error b) Confounding variable c) Random error d) Internal validity 7) systematically changing the order of treatments or tasks for participants in a ‘balanced’ way to ‘counter’ the unwanted effects on performance of any one order a) Correlation b) Placebo effect c) Counterbalancing d) Mixed design 8) when performance on the dependent variable is influenced by the specific order in which an experimental task is presented rather than the independent variable a) Placebo effect b) Counterbalancing c) Repeated measures d) Order effect 9) in relation to research ethics, moral obligation to ensure that there is fair consideration of competing claims; that there is no unfair burden on a particular group from an action; and that there is fair distribution and access to the benefits of an action a) Research Merit and Intergrity b) Justice c) Benificence d) Non-malificence 10) the extent to which an investigation actually investigated what it set out to investigate and/or claims to have investigated a) External validity b) Reproducability c) Reliability d) Internal validity 11) variable that is manipulated (controlled, selected or changed) in order to test its effects on the the thing being measured a) Independent variable b) Dependent variable c) Controlled variable d) Extraneous variable 12) any variable other than the independent variable that can cause a change in the dependent variable and therefore affect the validity of the results in an unwanted way a) Counfounding variable b) Controlled variable c) Extraneous variable d) Randomised variable 13) in research, a decision about how widely the findings of an investigation can be applied, particularly to other members of the population from which the sample was drawn a) Conclusion b) Generalisation c) Communicating statement d) Correlation 14) enforceable standards that psychologists use to guide ethical decisions in practice, research, and education a) Morals b) Expectations c) Ethical guidelines d) Ethical concepts 15) The things that include confidentiality, debriefing, withdrawal rights and informed consent a) Ethical guidelines b) Ethical concepts c) Ethical violations d) Ethical expectations 16) The things that include benificence, intergrity, justice, and respect  a) Ethical concepts b) Ethical violations c) Ethical guidelines d) Ethical expectations 17) external factors (other than the IV) associated with the experimental setting that may influence participant responses and therefore the results. a) Individual participant differences b) Experimentor effects c) Order effects d) Situational variables 18) when both the participants and the experimenter(s) interacting with them are unaware of the conditions to which the participants have been allocated. a) Double blind b) Placebo c) Single blind d) Between subjects 19) cues in an experiment that may influence or bias a participant’s response, thereby distorting the results a) Experimenter effects b) Demand characteristics c) Generalisation d) integrity 20) a type of error produces by some factor that consistently favours one condition rather than another a) Random errors b) Experimental error c) Systematic error d) Participant error

Psychology Research Methods


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