Once sales tax is included, a $97 DVD player ends up costing $104.76. What is the sales tax percentage?, Tucker has $120 in a savings account that earns 3.5% simple interest annually. How much money will Tucker have in his account after 2 years?, During a sale, Keenan found crystal vases on sale for $320 that had previously cost $500. What is the discount, as a percentage?, Richard ate lunch at a restaurant. The bill came to $55. If he left a 15% tip, how much did Richard leave altogether?, A chalkboard was marked up 100% from an original cost of $93.50. If Aubrey bought the chalkboard and paid 15% sales tax, how much in total did she pay?, A rowboat was originally priced at $614 but went on sale for 25% off. If Jen bought the rowboat and paid 6% sales tax, how much did she pay in total?, Jeanette took one of her friends out to lunch. The lunches cost $46.30 and she paid 3% sales tax. If Jeanette left a 20% tip on the $46.30, how much in total did she pay?, Dakota has $200 in a savings account that earns 5% simple interest annually. How much interest will she earn in 3 years?, Kenneth went on a shopping trip to Lakeside. He purchased a silver coat rack originally priced at $80 but discounted 25%. If sales tax in Lakeside is 5%, what was the total cost?, An oil painting was originally priced at $80, but Lola waited to buy it until the oil painting was on sale for 20% off. If she paid 8.25% sales tax on the sale price, how much did she pay in total?.


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