Over 100 meals are served every day in our restaurant., Dictionaries can be borrowed at the library., The picnic has been prepared by the kids., The meeting was attended by sales representatives from all the regions., The problem will be discussed by the management next week., The order form has been found on the last page of the catalogue., This paper must be used for our printer., The top student was given an award. , The people had not been warned by the coastguards., The patient is being prepared for the major operation., My car was broken into yesterday., The dog is being taken to the vet., Britney wore sunglasses to avoid being recognised., A new movie is being filmed at the moment., Famous people should expect to be photographed when they go out in public., The gardener is expected to water the flowers., All rules must be kept in the park., This exercise shouldn't be very hard., Arrangements are being made for the party., The tickets would be sold at the spot if possible., This work might be finished by next week., Employees must be paid on the last day of the month., This task should have been finished yesterday., The camera might have been lost when we were travelling., We have just been told a joke., Michael hasn't been sent the file yet., Rachel will be given some advice., I have been asked a favour., The seat is going to be offered to her., She is going to be offered the seat.,


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