1) Omnipotent a) All powerful b) All knowing c) All peaceful 2) Immutable a) God does not hear. b) God does not change. c) God does not care. 3) Person a) God is an idea someone had. b) God is one being in three persons. c) God is a force. 4) Wise a) God always does right. b) God always sleeps. c) God makes mistakes. 5) Provider a) God's supply runs low at times. b) God guesses at what we need. c) God provides for every creature. 6) Sovereign a) We can tell God what to do. b) We cannot trust God. c) God controls all things. 7) Impartial a) God has no favorites. b) God has favorites. c) God does not love all people. 8) Accessible a) God is nowhere to be found. b) God is near. c) God cannot hear us. 9) Preserver a) God's children can lose their salvation. b) God continues the work He started in us. c) God has no purpose for my life. 10) Patient a) God always hurries us. b) God is never rushed. c) God cannot wait for us.


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