1) What is my brother called? a) Benhamin b) Dave c) Benjamin d) Alexander e) Daniel f) Rafael 2) "What was my old school called a) Rowans b) Squirrels c) Don head d) Kings e) Dulich f) Danes Hill 3) What do I have at the back of my garden a) A climbing frame b) A shed c) A summer shed d) Bushes e) stuff f) things 4) What belt am I in Judo a) Orange with one stripe b) Orange c) Whit with two stripes d) Red e) Red 1 stripe 5) How many pets did I have a) A dog-two cats-two tortoises-four rabbits and two guinea-pigs b) A dog, a cat, two tortoises, c) A cat, A dog 6) What instruments do I play a) Violin, piano, trumpet b) flute, violin trumpet c) Piano, trumpet, flute d) Viola,piano,trumpet e) saxaphone, trobone, piono f) piono, trumput, chello 7) What english set am I in a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 7 e) 8 f) 2


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