1) I bought a newspaper this morning. a) What bought you this morning? b) What did you buy this morning? c) What you did buy this morning? 2) Something odd happened during the storm last night. a) What happened during the storm last night? b) What did happen during the storm last night? 3) One of the students didn't do the final exam. a) Who didn't the final exam do? b) Who didn't do the final exam? 4) I wrote a romantic letter to one of the teachers. a) Who wrote you a romantic letter? b) Who did you write a romantic letter to? 5) Something disturbed me when I was working. a) What did you disturb when you were working? b) What disturbed you when you were working? c) What did disturb you when you were working? 6)  I dreamt about a strange animal last night. a) What did you dream about last night? b) What dreamed about you last night? 7) Somebody rang me at 3am last week! a) Who did you ring at 3am last week? b) Who rang you at 3am last week? c) Who you rang at 3am last week? 8) Someone gave me a watch for my birthday. a) Who did give you a watch for your birthday? b) Who gave you a watch for your birthday? 9) The car is in the garage a) What is in the garage? b) Does it in the garage? 10) Julie loves ice cream a) What is Julie love? b) What does Julie love? 11) The food was on the table a) Where is the food? b) Where was the food? 12) David has lost his wallet a) What has David lost? b) What does David lost?

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