1) Steel is an alloy of Iron and which other element? a) Magnesium b) Chalk c) Carbon d) silicone 2) A metal that is made up of at least two other elements is known as an ....... a) Non-ferrous metal b) Ferrous metals c) Alloy d) Thermoplastic 3) "Alloys were created to produce metals that have desirable properties" a) TRUE b) FALSE 4) Alloys are created by heating up, melting, and mixing different metals and elements together to create new metals or alloys with the properties desired by the engineer. a) FALSE b) TRUE 5) Which two metals are mixed together to create the alloy Bronze? a) Copper and Magnesium b) Steel and plastercine c) magnesium and manganese d) Copper and Tin e) tin and aluminum 6) Which of the following is an alloy made from Copper and Zinc? a) Bronze b) Brass c) Duralumin d) Stainless Steel e) Gold f) Copper 7) Which of the following is an alloy made from Copper, Aluminium, Magnesium and Manganese?? a) Bronze b) Brass c) Duralumin d) Stainless Steel e) Gold f) Copper 8) Which of the following is an alloy made from Iron, Nickel, and Chromium? a) Bronze b) Brass c) Duralumin d) Stainless Steel e) Gold f) Copper 9) Alloying agents or elements create the required properties of alloys. Which of the following are the most common alloying agents? a) Nick, Vanadium, Manganese b) Manganese, Chrome, Salt c) Nickel, Chromium, Vanadium d) Sodium, terracotta, iron e) copper, steel, aluminum. 10) Nickel is an alloying agent that adds favorable properties to the material. a) Increases strength, hardness, and increased resistance to corrosion. b) Increases hardness, resistance to corrosion, and increased toughness. c) Increaed toughness and increased wear resistance d) increased conductivity, increased malleability and toughness 11) Chromium is an alloying agent that adds favorable properties to the material. a) Increases strength, hardness, and increased resistance to corrosion. b) Increases hardness, resistance to corrosion, and increased toughness. c) Increaed toughness and increased wear resistance d) increased conductivity, increased malleability and toughness 12) Vanadium is an alloying agent that adds favorable properties to the material. a) Increases strength, hardness, and increased resistance to corrosion. b) Increases hardness, resistance to corrosion, and increased toughness. c) Increaed toughness and increased wear resistance d) increased conductivity, increased malleability and toughness 13) What alloying agent is added to steel to improve the properties of toughness and wear resistance? a) Nickel b) Chromium c) Magnesium d) manganese e) Vanadium f) silicone 14) Which alloy of Aluminum is used to make lightweight car wheels and aircraft parts. a) Aluminum b) Duralumin c) aluminum oxide d) cobalamin


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