1) ___________ you ____________ (be) to Malaga? a) Have / been b) Have / went c) Has / be d) Has / been 2) I ________ _________ (break) my arm.  a) has breaked b) has broken c) have broken d) have breaked 3) ____________ he ___________ (come) to visit his sister? a) has / come b) have / come c) have / came d) has / came 4) What _________ you __________ (do)? a) has / do b) have / done c) has / done d) have / do 5) Yes, I ________ ___________ (eat) lunch. a) have eaten b) has eaten c) have eat d) has eat 6) No, he __________ ___________ (not / find) his lost dog. a) haven´t find b) hasn´t find c) haven´t found d) hasn´t found 7) She ________ __________ (go) to get her books. a) has gone b) have gone c) has went d) have went 8) ___________ you ___________ (have) breakfast yet? No, I _________ __________ (not / eat) anything yet.  a) Had / have, haven´t eaten b) Have / had, haven´t ate c) Have / had, haven´t eaten d) Have / had, hasn´t ate 9) My parent´s __________ never ___________ (meet) my English teacher. a) has / meeted b) have / meeted c) has / met d) have / met 10) Yes! I __________ just __________ (see) him walking his dog.  a) has / saw b) have / seen c) have / saw d) has / seen 11) No, I __________ ___________ (not / speak) to my brother yet. a) hasn´t speaked b) haven´t speaked c) haven´t spoken d) hasn´t spoken


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