What do you do if you receive bad service in a restaurant?, What do you do if you don't want to do your homework?, What do you do if you feel sick?, What do you do if you feel bored at home?, What do you do if you are locked out of your home?, What do you do if you feel hungry at night?, What do you do if you have to prepare for an exam?, What do you do if someone near you at the cinema makes a lot of noise?, What do you do if you feel sleepy during the day?, What do you do if you can't find something?, What do you do if you don't understand your teacher?, What do you do if you need to borrow some money?, What do you do if a shop assistant gives you too much change?, What do you do if you can't sleep at night?, What do you do if you get sunburn?, What do you do if there is nothing to watch on TV?, What do you do if you cut yourself?, What do you do if people cut in line in front of you?, What do you do if the Internet goes down?, What do you do if you get a headache?, What do you do if you forget your homework?, What do you do if you wake up late for class?.

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