Silt - Small particles of rock and mud that fertilize soil when a river floods, Fertile - Able to grow crops well, Fertile Crescent - arc-shaped region in Southwest Asia with rich soil, Sumer - Area in southern Mesopotamia where cities first appeared, Mesopotamia - Ancient land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, Euphrates River - One of the main rivers of Mesopotamia, Tigris River - One of the main rivers of Mesopotamia, Irrigation - A way to get water to land, Levee - A wall of earth built to prevent a river from flooding its banks, City-State - An early city that was like a small, independent country with its own laws and government, Civilization - Society that has the characteristics of stable food supply, technology, arts, culture, government, social structure, religion, and written language, Technology - The use of tools and other inventions for practical purposes, Ziggurat - An ancient Mesopotamian temple tower with outside staircases and a shrine at the top, Culture - A characteristic of civilization that includes beliefs and behaviors of a society or group of people, Cuneiform - Writing from Mesopotamia that uses wedge-shaped characters, Pictograph - a symbol that stands for an object, Code of Laws - A collection of written laws and rules, Economy - How a place uses agriculture, industry (making things), and trade., Stele - A stone slab on which an illustration or inscription has been carved.,


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