1) I can play with ____. a) play b) funny c) said d) down e) you 2) My dog ran ___ the street. a) play b) funny c) said d) down e) you 3) We can read a ______ book. a) play b) funny c) said d) down e) you 4) I ____, "Let's go to the park." a) play b) funny c) said d) down e) you 5) We can ____ with a ball. a) play b) funny c) said d) down e) you 6) We can play ____ on the hill. a) big b) little c) up d) where e) away 7) My dog ran _____. a) big b) little c) up d) where e) away 8) I can see a ____ mouse. a) big b) little c) up d) where e) away 9) I know ____ my book is. a) big b) little c) up d) where e) away 10) An elephant is ____. a) big b) little c) up d) where e) away


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