Count from 75 to 89, Name two oceans, Name two continents, Name three landforms, Jump like a monkey, Say the neighbours of number 34, Name the parts of a plant, Pass your challenge to a friend, Draw the image of an animal in 10 seconds, Count in twos from 36 to 44, Read the next words, How many fingers long is your arm?, Tell the time, Name the four seasons, How many days are in a week?, Name the days of the week, Name the months of the year, Dance silly on a song, One more than 76 is ..., One less than 51 is ..., Choose a number and multiply it by 3, Name two garden plants, Name a curious animal, Name a famous person from the past, Name a famous nowdays person, Draw a volcano in five seconds, Sketch the face of a friend in 15 seconds.

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