1) Andy and Mary ____________ movies on the weekends. a) watches b) watchs c) watch 2) Water ________________ at 100 degrees. a) boil b) boils c) boiles 3) I ______________ my teeth twice a day. a) bushes b) bushs c) brush 4) My friend and I __________________ to the cinemas once a month. a) go b) goes c) gos 5) I _____________ like cold weather. a) doesn't b) don't 6) My sister _________________ like pickles. a) don't  b) doesn't 7) ______________ your brother go to school? a) Do b) Does 8) ____________ you work? a) Does b) Do 9) He _______________ like the lunch in the cafeteria.  a) don't b) doesn't 10) Bill __________________ letters. a) write b) writes 11) He ______________ early everyday. a) get up b) gets ups c) gets up 12) They ________________ to go to New York City. a) wants b) want 13) Peter always ______________ at his cell phone in the lesson. a) looks b) look 14) Mia always __________________ in the lesson. a) sleep b) sleeps 15) My cat always ______________ mouse. a) catch b) catchs c) catches 16) The teacher _____________________ like the students homework. a) don't b) doesn't 17) I _______________ on the bus everyday. a) goes b) go c) gos 18) My grandparents ____________ the tomatoes from the garden. a) pick b) picks 19) I ______________ peperoni pizza. a) likes b) like 20) The train _________________ at 6.00am every morning. a) leave b) leaves

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