protagonist - a hero, antagonist - a villain, motif - a recurring element or central idea (e.g. of death, water, love etc), dialogue  - a conversation between the characters through which you learn more about them, symbolism - when something represents something else (e.g. black bird represents death), narrator  - a voice who tells the story, setting - where and when the story takes place, juxtaposition  - when two contrasting ideas, characters etc are placed next to each other in order to affect the reader, ellipsis  - an unfinished sentence marked with three dots which may suggest that the future is uncertain for the character, cliffhanger  - a story or a situation that is exciting because its ending or result is uncertain until it happens:, foreshadowing - hints of what is to come in a story, repetition  - when words, phrases or ideas are repeated for effect to highlight key meanings or show no change, chronological order  - events shown in date or time order, zoom in technique - a technique used in films, photography and literature that starts with presenting a wide picture and slowly concentrating on details, atmosphere or mood - a type of feeling that the readers get from a story (e.g. dangerous, romantic, tense etc), focus shift - changes in ideas and perspectives , changes in what the writer is focusing on,

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