1) Brexit is the short for a) Britain exit b) British exit 2) British people accepted Austerity policy a) False b) True 3) British people think that Austerity Policy increased a) equalities b) inequalities c) opportunities 4) The free-movement in the EU means that you need a visa to live in another European country a) False b) True 5) The leader of the Leave Campaign was  a) Margareth Tatcher b) Boris Jonson c) David Cameron  6) The leader of the Remain Campaign was a) Margaret Thatcher b) Boris Jonson c) David Cameron 7) The referendum about leaving or remaining in the EU was held on  a) 23 June 2016 b) 23 June 2017 c) 23 June 2015 8) After David Cameron the British Prime Minister was  a) Boris Jonson b) Theresa May c) Margaret Thatcher 9) Article 50 is part of  a) Maastricht Treaty b) Bruxelles Treaty c) Lisbon Treaty 10) The UK formally left the EU on  a) January 31, 2020 b) December 31, 2020 c) January 31, 2019 11) The three pillars of The Trade and Cooperation Agreement are a) Trade, governance, austerity policy b) Cooperation, governance, immigration policy c) Trade, governance, cooperation   12) European people resident in The UK for at least 5 years can apply for the "settled status" a) False b) True 13) After Brexit the British economy has  a) improved b) slowed c) increased


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