If I won the lottery, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I were invisible for one day, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If it rains this weekend, __________ (1st Conditional)., If I saw a snake in my bathroom, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I could travel in time, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I could meet one famous person, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If she doesn't study English, __________ (1st Conditional), If I could have one superpower, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I eat too much sugar, __________ (1st Conditional)., If I could talk to animals, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I could travel anywhere in the world, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I spoke English perfectly, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If you rob a bank, __________ (1st Conditional)., If I could change one thing about the world, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I had more money, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I drink a lot of coffee, __________ (1st Conditional)., If I could eat only one food for the rest of my life, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I saw a ghost, __________ (2nd Conditional)., If I could fly, __________ (2nd Conditional)., __________, I will be very sad. (1st Conditional), __________, they will win the match. (1st Conditional), If I finish studying, __________. (1st Conditional), If you give me your car, __________. (1st Conditional, __________, it will be a very good day. (1st Conditional), __________, the teacher will get angry. (1st Conditional).

First and Second Conditional


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