1) Which of these structures are found in prokaryotes? a) ribosomes b) cell membrane c) cell wall d) all of the above 2) Which of these structures are found in prokaryotes? a) endoplasmic reticulum b) nucleoid c) golgi apparatus d) chloroplast e) mitochondrion 3) What structures do plant cells possess that animal cells do not? a) large vacuole b) cell wall c) chloroplasts d) all of the above 4) What structures do animal cells possess that plant cells do not? a) mitochondria b) cell membrane c) centrioles d) all of the above 5) What is this? a) golgi apparatus b) chloroplast c) mitochondrion d) nucleus e) centriole f) vacuole 6) What is this? a) golgi apparatus b) chloroplast c) mitochondrion d) nucleus e) centriole f) vacuole 7) What is this? a) golgi apparatus b) chloroplasts c) mitochondrions d) nuclei e) centrioles f) vacuoles 8) What is the thickness of a cell membrane? a) approx 7nm b) approx 7um c) approx 7mm d) approx 7 ml e) approx 7 fm f) approx 7 km 9) Where in the cell are proteins made? a) golgi apparatus b) smooth endoplasmic reticulum c) nucleus d) mitochondria e) ribosomes 10) Which of these happens in the nucleus? a) mRNA is transcribed b) proteins are modified c) cytoplasmic streaming d) pinoendocytosis e) mRNA is translated f) all of the above 11) Which of these happens in the golgi apparatus? a) mRNA is transcribed b) proteins are modified c) cytoplasmic streaming d) pinoendocytosis e) mRNA is translated f) all of the above 12) Which of these happens in the ribosomes? a) mRNA is transcribed b) proteins are modified c) cytoplasmic streaming d) pinoendocytosis e) mRNA is translated f) all of the above 13) Which of these can be involved in passive transport? a) ATP b) protein pumps c) channel proteins d) exocytosis e) all of the above 14) Diffusion is: a) The passive movement of molecules or particles down a concentration gradient, or from regions of lower to regions of higher concentration. b) The passive movement of molecules or particles up a concentration gradient, or from regions of lower to regions of higher concentration. c) The passive movement of molecules or particles along a concentration gradient, or from regions of higher to regions of lower concentration. d) The passive movement of molecules or particles up a concentration gradient, or from regions of higher to regions of lower concentration. 15) A concentrated solution: a) has a low water potential b) has a high water potential


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