Aerodynamic - Shaped to reduce air resistance (Streamlined), Aim - What an experiment is trying to find out, Air Resistance - Force which opposes motion through air (Drag), Apparatus - Equipment used in an experiment, Axis - Horizontal or vertical lines around a graph, Balanced - Forces are even, Conclusion - Scientific explanation of results, Control - Variables which must be kept the SAME during an experiment, Data - Information collected during an experiment, Dependent - Variable which is measured during an experiment, Friction - Force between two surfaces which opposes motion, Fulcrum - see Pivot, Grams - Unit of mass, Graphs - Represent information from an experiment, Gravity - Force which pulls smaller objects towards larger objects, Independent - Variable which is changed during an experiment, Lever - Simple machine which acts around a pivot, Magnetic - Force which attracts some metals to a magnet, Mass - Amount of matter, Measuring Cylinder - Instrument which measures volume of a liquid, Method - Description of how an experiment is carried out, Microscope - Instrument which allows tiny things to be seen, Motion - Movement, Newton - Unit of force (N), Newtonmeter - Instrument which measures force, Pivot - Point around which a turning force acts, Prediction - What you think will happen in an experiment, Results - Information or data collected in an experiment, Streamlined - Shaped to reduce air resistance (aerodynamic), Variable - Factors which may change during an experiment,


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