1) Are people with a growth mindset more likely to ……….. than people with a fixed mindset? Why/Why not? a) succeed b) success c) succeeding 2) Can all abilities be ……….. through practice? Can you think of any situations in which they can’t? a) improvement b) improve c) improved 3) Is viewing critical feedback as a chance to ……….. always the best thing to do? a) developed b) development c) develop 4) Is experimenting a good way of finding ……….. to problems? In what situations? a) solves b) solutions c) solving 5) Do you agree that it is better to have a growth mindset? What can a person do to ……….. it? a) achievement b) achieve c) achieved 6) f) How can we use ……….. as a chance to learn? a) failure b) fail c) failed 7) How do you feel about challenges? Do you try to ……….. them? a) avoidance b) avoided c) avoid


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