1) Put the book on the table. a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 2) What an enormous spider! a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 3) When are the school holidays? a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 4) Don't leave until the bell rings. a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 5) Can we bring snacks to the class? a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 6) What is the purpose of learning this material? a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 7) Pets need a lot of care and attention. a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 8) I need to leave early to pick up my brother. a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 9) Who knows how to count to ten in five languages? a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 10) Leave your backpacks and head down the stairs to the right of the door. a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 11) We are English students at an acclaimed high school.  a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 12) It was the most exciting day ever! a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 13) Sit down and do not talk. a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 14) That movie was horrible! a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 15) Halloween is always on October 31st. a) statement b) question c) exclamation d) command 16) What sentence type MUST have a subject first, then a verb and a period?  a) statment b) question c) command d) exclamation 17) What sentence type can NOT START with a verb (3 answers) a) Questions b) statements c) commands d) exclamations 18) What an awesome day!! a) command b) question c) statement d) exclaimation 19) Have I got news for you! Listen to this!! a) exclamation b) command c) statement d) question 20) it is important to know the sentence types so you can check your own writing also you want to improve your writing. a) Run on statement b) A perfectly correct statement c) A long question d) All of the above

ELD 3_ statement question exclamation command


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