Alpha Radiation - 2 protons and 2 neutrons, highly ionising, low range in air , Beta Radiation - Fast moving electron, not as strongly ionising as Alpha , Gamma Radiation - A high energy electromagnetic wave, lowest ionising power , Ionisation - The loss (or gain) of electrons from a stable atom , Activity - The number of nuclear disintegrations per second. Units (Bequerels), Natural sources of background radiation - Cosmic radiation from space, radioactivity from rocks (e.g. granite) and soil of the earth, radiation from buildings e.g. radon, radiation from the human body, Artificial sources of background radiation  - Medical, fallout from weapons tests or power stations and radioactive waste, Half - life - The time for activity to decrease by half or time taken for half of the radioactive atoms to decay, Geiger Muller Tube  - A radiation detector that uses the ionisation of gas in the tube to count the number of times radiation hits it.  , Scintillation Counter - A radiation detector that counts the flashes of light produced when radiation hits the scintillating material. , Film Badge - A radiation detector often worn by people who work with radioactive materials to monitor the radiation dose that they are exposed to. It uses different filters which blacken or 'fog' when radiation hits them. , Absorbed Dose - The energy absorbed by a material per unit mass , Shielding  - The act of placing a material between a person and a radioactive source to absorb radiation. , Radiation Weighting Factor - An indicator of the relative biological effect of radiation on a material. , Equivalent Dose - The absorbed dose multiplied by the radiation weighting factor , Equivalent dose Rate - The equivalent dose per unit time, Nuclear Fission - The process in which an unstable heavy nucleus splits into two or more lighter nuclei (called fission fragments), with energy being released. , Nuclear Fusion - The process of small nuclear joining together to form a larger nucleus, with energy being released. ,


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