1) What program would you use to make a spreadsheet? a) PowerPoint b) Excel c) Word d) Access 2) What is a spreadsheet made up of? a) Cells b) Numbers c) Letters d) Boxes 3) What does a cell reference give you? a) Tells you where the cell is b) A formula to use c) A shape d) Some boxes 4) Which of the following is a correct cell reference? a) 9E b) B5 c) AB4 d) 44GB 5) What symbol do you use to subtract two cells? a) x b) / c) * d) - 6) What symbol do you use to multipy two cells? a) + b) x c) $ d) * 7) What symbol do you use to divide two cells? a) x b) / c) * d) -: 8) What does the =sum function do? a) Adds up a range of numbers b) Divides a range of numbers c) Multiplies a range of numbers d) Subtracts a range of numbers 9) Which is the correct formula to add all the cells from C2 to C8 together? a) =C2+C3+C4+C5+C7+C8 b) =Sum(C2;C8) c) =Add (C2:C8) d) Sum (C2:C8) 10) What should you do before you print a spreadsheet? a) Put your name on it b) Check it all works correctly c) Make sure it fits on one page d) Select the part you want to print

Simple Spreadsheet quiz

by Anonymous


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