Tom's - The pencil belonging to Tom is ___ pencil. , her - Whose rabbit is it? It is ____ rabbit., his - Whose cat is it? It is ___ cat. , our - We own the dog. It is ____ dog. , Sally's - Sally own this fish. It is ___ fish. , their - They own the orange cat. It is ___ cat. , your - You own the dog. It is ___ dog. , Lucy's - Lucy owns the black and white hat. It is ____ hat. , girl's - The little boy is the ____ brother. , Patricia's - The pink dress is _______ dress. , Mary's - ____ bag is blue., Robert's - ___ bag is green and yellow., David's - Whose hair is blond? ____ hair is blond. , Mikail's - ____ shirt is green. , Alex's - ___ shirt is blue.,


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