1) Factors that increase the efficiency of runoff are _____. (Choose all that apply) a) increased slope b) increased urbanization c) increased surface roughness d) increased basin size 2) Urban areas are at greater risk of flash floods not only because they produce a greater volume of runoff, but also because the runoff occurs more quickly. (Choose the best answer) a) True b) False 3) _____ supports streamflow during non-storm periods. a) Base-flow   b) Surface flow c) interflow d) Storm-flow 4) Surface runoff occurs when the precipitation rate is _____ the infiltration rate a) greater than b) less than  c) equal to 5) Surface runoff is: a) The excess water after evaporation b) The excess water from snow melt c) The excess water from precipitation after evaporation and infiltration d) Precipitation plus infiltration 6) __________ type soils have larger pore spaces and allow for greater infiltration and percolation than __________ -type soils, which have more pore space and can hold more water. a) clay, sandy   b) sandy, clay   c) sandy, sandy   d) clay , clay 7) Water filtering down through bedrock is: a) Infiltration  b) Runoff c) Flow d) Percolation 8) An aquifer is _____. Choose all that apply a) an underground volume of rock and sand that contains water  b) a reservoir of water occurring in underground caves and caverns  c) not a significant source of drinking water  d) composed of water, soil, the void space within the soil, and subsurface material 9) The annual evaporation in arid regions can never exceed the annual precipitation amount. True or False? a) True b) False 10) The Probable Maximum Flood is: a) an estimation of the largest possible flood that could occur at a particular location b) the maximum flood experienced in the last 100 years c) the maximum flood experienced in the last 200 years d) the maximum flood experienced since flood records have existed. 11) Which of the following is used to estimate which areas will be inundated during a flood, based on river height information? a) satellite and radar images b) flood maps / floodplain hydraulic models c) river gauging stations d) all of the above.


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