Radar Reflectivity - Amount of transmitted power returned to the radar receiver after hitting its target, Composite reflectivity... - ...shows the strongest reflected energy (highest dBZ) at all elevation scans, not just the reflected energy at a single elevation scan., Radial velocity... - ...is the component of the target's motion that is along the direction of the radar beam. It provides information about wind speed and direction., Positive values (warm yelow to red colors) of velocities... - ...indicates movements away from the radar., Negative values (cool blue-green colors) of velocities...  - ...indicates movements towards the radar., Zero values (grey color) of velocity... - ...indicates targets that are stationary or moving perpendicular to the radar beam., The constant altitude plan position indicator CAPPI - Radar display which gives a horizontal cross-section of data at constant altitude., Reflectivity scale for clear air mode is from...  - -28 dbz to +28 dbz, Reflectivity scale for precipitation mode is from - 0 to 75 dbz, Beam blockage - occurs when radar beams are partially or totally blocked by nearby obstacles. , Dual-polarization radar...  - transmits and receives pulses in both a horizontal and vertical orientation., Doppler radar - transmits a microwave signal off a desired target and analyzing how the object's motion has altered the frequency of the returned signal.,


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